Screen Views

Apply the software such as it should be ... don't settle for less!

>>> Overview to EVA <<<

Overview to the patient in the case file. Of course, you will find all the important information about your patient and practice here.

  • EVA runs stable and secure on a Linux server with a Windows interface
  • Can be controlled by mouse and keyboard
  • Can be designed separately (colors, font, icons and much more)
  • Many workflows can be automated

>>> Top left button bar <<<

  • Buttons have separate chains of commands that have text modules - tailored according to your workflow
  • With a single click in any desired forms, medical documents or other program fields

>>> top right sidebar <<<

  • Patient list
    Reminding of necessary inspection (eg medical inspection)
    > Improved patient management by taking all necessary inspection> Increase in value of case per patient
  • Patient picture
  • EVA search
    Global and smart search for forms, commands and even directly in the case file 

Arztsoftware Praxissoftware abasoft EVA SoftwarefürPraxis Button Workflow Praxisalltag Fallwertsteigern Fallwert Patientenliste Formulare Patient


Arztsoftware Praxissoftware abasoft EVA SoftwarefürPraxis Wartezimmer Terminauskunft Archiv Labor

>>> bottom right sidebar <<<

  • Program
    Create different planners (lab, different consultation hours, etc.)
  • Waiting room
  • Appointment information
    All patient appointments at a glance
  • EVA archive
  • Patient related to documents 

>>> Overview to performance statistics <<<

  • Daily, monthly, quarterly and period statistics
  • Individually adjustable
  • Different viewing options (pure list view as well as curve, bar or pie diagram)
  • Statistics comparison
  • Case statistics (an overview of your notes)

>>> Drug Statistics <<<

>>> Solution statistics <<<

>>> Age statistics <<<

>>> BG statistics <<<

Leistungs-Statistik Statistik Arztsoftware Praxissoftware abasoft EVA SoftwarefürPraxis Medikamenten-Statistik Heilmittel-Statistik Alters-Statistik BG-Statistik