Drug Database

Since 1 April 2018, prescription by software is only allowed if the underlying drug database is "up-to-date" at the expense of statutory health insurance. In this sense, "up-to-date" means: not old more than one month. If the data in the drug database is old more than one month, the EVA system will inform you about this.

How is the drug database updated monthly?

There are three different ways to do this:

  1. If your application is connected to the Internet, all EVA users will receive periodic updates on a regular basis. As part of these updates, as an EVA user you always get the latest version of the drug database fully automatically and without further technical or financial effort.
  2. If you are not (yet) connected to the Internet at the practice and have not received automatic updates in a regular basis, you can download monthly medication updates (eg from home) from our Internet service area and put them on a CD / Transfer DVD. This CD / DVD can then be imported practically using the normal update method (EVA command: ==> update point 1). It's easy to do and also without any financial expense for you. Please read the instructions below before installing.
  3. If you are not connected to the internet at your practice and you are not able to download the necessary data from the internet, there is also the option that is sent by us you a CD that include the medication update for a fee. Please contact us about this topic. However, in this case, we urgently recommend that you connect the practice securely to the Internet. The activation of the telematics infrastructure makes this imperative in the short term.